01Easy for Assembly
Simple assembling method allows easy expansion of design without such large scale construction equipment.
02Easy for Maintenance
Simple maintenance by replacing floater in case of partial damage occurs due to its characteristic of assembly typed floater
03Distinction on Internal bulkhead_Multi-room Floater
Bulkhead structure formed of 9 independent compartments inside keeps buoyancy of the floater even under partial damage.
04Distinction on Connection part_Multiroom Floater
Double-lock assembling of connection parts prevents torsion due to water flow and
reduce dislocation of hook. Also
Improving walking stability by absorbing stresses with using double-lock assembling.
05Multi-purpose halls allow various accessories design
Floater can be used for various purposes such as non-slip pad, guardrail installation and design of customized product for special purpose with using the multi-purpose hall at the top of the multi-room floater.